
A ghost is haunting the clan! Hopefully Tawnyflash can change the ghost's mind. But can she be trusted?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Story Begins

Lunastar sat perfectly still on the DriftingStone. The gentle, chilly leaf-bare breezed stirred her silver fur slightly."Something is in the air, Blazingpath." She said calmly to her old friend. He leaped up beside her, sniffing."Do you mean cats?" He asked with a humoring laugh. Lunastar was about to smile and tell him what she really meant, but the scent of cats hit her nose as well. She quickly stood, her tail raised, as 9 cats entered camp.

That many cats at once? Lunastar wondered to herself as she approached them."Hello." She dipped her head respectfully. A dark tortoiseshell hissed in annoyance, but she ignored him."I'm Lunastar, leader of Driftingclan." She purred kindly. A beige cat with brown paws and ears stepped forward."We've come to join." She dipped her head in return to Lunastar. She purred happily."Wonderful!"

She whipped around, landing on the DrifitngStone in one graceful leap. She sat down. After learning all their names, she began the ceremony."You cats shall become the first cats of Driftingclan. Fallenshadow, I would like you to be deputy of Driftingclan. Brightsun, I think you would make an excellent medicine cat. Cardinalpaw, you shall be the medicine cat apprentice, and learn from Brightsun's methods.

"Swanfeather, Darkblaze, Stormynight, Mistybreeze, and Silverfur, you will be warriors alongside Blazingpath." All the older cats nodded."What about me?" A young black she-cat asked, stepping forward. Lunastar glanced kindly at her."Don't worry. Darkpaw, you will train as an apprentice. Blazingpath shall train you."

Darkpaw smiled with satisfaction. Lunastar yowled gently to gather the attention of the cats."I shall lead a patrol to establish our borders. Meeting dismissed!" She leaped down, waiting to see who would like to accompany her.


Primrose said...

Fallenshadow beamed when Lunastar said he would be Deputy. "Thank you, Lunastar." He waited while all the others were named then stood. "I'll go with you."

Swanfeather nodded, "Me too."

Darkpaw bound over to Blazingpath. "What can you teach me?" It was nearly a challenge, but her expression was innocent enough.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur shook a leaf from her head and padded over to Lunastar. "I'll come." she volunteered. She needed to get used to the company of cats, after being on her own for so long.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Lunastar was pleased with the volunteers."Then lets go! I believe that there is a neighboring clan, so we may have to negotiate." She purred, then flicked her tail to signal their departure.

Blazingpath smiled."Well, I wouldn't want to be a boring mentor, would I?" He sat down."Would you say your better at hunting or fighting?"

(I need to make more pages.)

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow followed Lunastar, keeping in step with her.

Swanfeather was right behind the other cats.

Darkpaw shrugged, "Can't say, I'm skilled in both." Her blue-green eyes gleamed and she licked a paw as if she was bored already.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur trotted to keep up with her new leader. She wished she wasn't so small for the upteenth time that day.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath smiled."If you say so, cath me as if I was prey." He bolted out with unbelievable speed."If you can catch me, you can catch any prey!" He called after her.

Lunastar purred."Good luck. Blazingpath has been practicing."

(You can't beat him yet, since they just started training. But once she has learned she can. We gotta keep it real.)

Primrose said...

(I know I wasn't gonna have her catch him anyway :D)

Darkpaw narrowed her eyes and bolted after him. Despite her efforts he always seemed to be a few fox lengths ahead of him. "No...Fair!...Your legs....are longer!" She panted trying to take the biggest bounds she could.

Fallenshadow purred, "I know Darkpaw. She's a paw full."

Swanfeather laughed as she watched Apprentice chase mentor.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur gave a half-hearted smile, remembering when her littermates would play like that. She never stopped wondering what had hapened to them, but thinking about it made her upset.

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow noticed Silverfur had a sad look on her face. He stood beside her. "What's wrong? Don't worry, Darkpaw wont hurt him." He teased.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur looked up, startled. "Oh. They remind me of my littermates, wherever they are." she said. With a sigh she looked at Fallenshadow.

Primrose said...

"Wherever they are?" He echoed, cocking his head. "Have time for a back story? Because I'm interested in yours if you'll tell me." Fallenshadow purred kindly, his eyes bright amber eyes encouraging.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath purred."Don't worry! She-cats tend to be faster and lighter when fully grown." He smiled, whipping around and skidding to a halt.

Lunastar led them towards the river she saw."The river will make an excellent border. There is a clan on the other side."

Primrose said...

Darkpaw mewled as she ran right into him. She felt her fur turn hot with embarrassment, though her paws kept fumbling and she couldn't get up.

Swanfeather scented the air, "What clan?"

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath chuckled warmly. He grasped her scruff lightly in his jaws and lifted her to her feet."You still kept up rather well, considering that you are still quite young." He purred, looking around."This is the training clearing, where most sessions will take place."

Lunastar sniffed the air as they approached."I believe they call themselves Runningclan. We could maybe cross the stream to ask to be allies before marking the border."

(Go to the Rivier now.)

Dovewing said...

Silverfur hesitated. "It's a long story. Goes back to when I was a kit. Twolegs invaded our camp, and I was captured, along with a few other Clanmates. I escaped a few months after that, but my Clan was gone. Without a trace. No scent, no evidence any cats had lived there at all. I've been on my own ever since, and I need to get used to being around so many cats again." She said, staring at her paws.

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow lowered his ears, blinking sadly. He didn't know what it was like to lose cats close to you. "I was born a loner and abondoned by my mother young. I don't remember her or my siblings." He touched his nose to Silverfur's ear tip. "But I'll help you get used to the other cats if you'd like."

Swanfeather nodded, "I think that's a good idea." She waited for Lunastar to lead.


Darkpaw flattened her ears, focusing her eyes on the ground. She looked up slowly and examined the clearing but avoided Blazingpath's gaze. "Looks like any other clearing." She pawed the ground. "How will I remember it?"

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

"Don't worry." Blazingpath glanced around."We will try to find some thing to put up that will help with training." He looked back at her."Lesson number one, keep eye contact with your mentor."

Primrose said...

Darkpaw flattened her ears and looked up. She made sure she pulled the meanest look she could. "How come you get to boss me around? Your just teaching me."

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath smiled."I'm just teasing. But keeping eye contact is very important during battle. You don't want your opponent to think your scared." He backed up to the middle of the clearing."Attack me with your best move."

Primrose said...

Darkpaw scowled, getting into a battle crouch. "I'll show you scared." She muttered, then lunged at him but last minute tucked into a role so she ended up under him. She scrabbled at his belly with soft paws. That should impress him! Wait...Why do I care!

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath smiled and gently lifted her off with his hind legs."That was perfect! Using your smaller size to your advantage!" He purred with pride.

Primrose said...

Darkpaw felt her stomach stir. She hadn't often gotten praised before. The black she-cat purred breifly, but shrugged to play it off. "Yea well, I told you I was skilled in battle."

Dovewing said...

Silverfur smiled shyly. "Thank you. Nobody's been this nice to me since I lived with my Clan." '
Does he like me? Of course not! He's just doing his job as deputy. Don't be absurd.' she thought/ scolded herself. How can any tom like her?

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath rolled his eyes in a teasing manner."Okay, next lesson." He looked around."Close your eyes and count to 20 heart-beats. Then use your nose to find me by my scent." He waited for her to close her eyes, then bolted.

Primrose said...

Darkpaw counted slowly, keeping her eyes closed tight. When she reached 20 she jumped to her paws and sniffed were Blazingpath had been sitting a moment before. She caught his scent and began tracking it, but it seemed he had gone several different directions. Darkpaw narrowed her eyes, He's trying to trick me.. She raised her head and scented the air again.

Fallenshadow purred gently. "We better catch up with Lunastar and Swanfeather." He flicked her with his tail and padded along. (to the river, awaayy!)

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath closed his eyes, settling down and keeping his breathing silent. His heartbeat slowed, so the it made no vibrations in the earth. She could only find him with her wits and nose.

Primrose said...

Darkpaw growled in frustration but kept up her efforts. She looked around the clearing. There's no way he would hide here. Not enough cover. She padded out into the forest, following the freshest scent and finally found one clear scent trail. "Yes!" She started following it.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath scooted back deeper in the hollow log, silently moving into some old, orange leaves.

Primrose said...

Darkpaw found a hollow log, but the stench of rotting fallen leafs. "Clever trick..." She sniffed around her nose close to the ground and jumped up onto the log. Where is he!?

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath smiled as he heard Darkpaw land on the log above him. He was rather impressed with how close she had come.

Primrose said...

The black she-cat kept sniffing but she had lost the scent. He's close! She jumped down and peeked inside the log.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur had to trot alongside Fallenshadow to keep up. "Curse my tiny stature." she muttered.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Stormynight sniffed the air, next to his sister, Mistybreeze. They were unusually close for siblings, but that might have been because their mother left them so young. "I'm going out on Lunastar's patrol, want to come?" He finally said, as he tracked the scent.

Mistybreeze shook her head. "I'll go out later, right now, I want to explore the camp." Her brother nodded, and she watched him dash out of the camp.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Lunastar saw Darkpaw's tail sticking out of a log."Darkpaw, you and Blazingpath need to head back. We have another ceremony."

Blazingpath shot out of the leaves and tackled Darkpaw."Yes, Lunastar." He purred, helping Darkpaw up."We'll continue tomorrow."

Primrose said...

Darkpaw turned to Lunastar, then squealed as she was tackled. Her stomach fluttered, "Blazingpath! I knew I was close!" She gave him a playful bite then dashed away past Lunastar. I'm acting like a kit! She suddenly felt her pelt turn hot and looked over her shoulder ears flat.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath purred and trotted up to the patrol."Who's the new guy?" He asked curiously.

Lunastar smiled at the two as she entered camp.

Primrose said...

Robinfeather answered for the patrol, "I'm Robinfeather." He mewed standing proud.