
A ghost is haunting the clan! Hopefully Tawnyflash can change the ghost's mind. But can she be trusted?

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Robinfeather and a Chilling Tale

"Cats of Driftingclan!" Lunastar called with dignity."Our border patrol met a new cat on our way into Rainclan territory. We are giving him a chance to prove himself. Please welcome Robinfeather!" All the cats began to cheer. It soon went down, and attention returned to Lunastar. She opened her mouth to dismiss the meeting, when a starry cat appeared at the entrance. Her emerald eyes widened. The cat smiled at her, then it's eyes turned a bright white. Lunastar's vision swirled away, and she went plummeting to the ground.

Brightsun shook Lunastar gently. She blinked her eyes open slowly."Thank the stars your alive!" She smiled. Lunastar twitched her ear, only to find it stuck in cobwebs."You had quite a fall at the DriftingStone. What happened?" Lunastar bent over and lapped some water off of moss."This cat appeared at the entrance. It had stars in its fur, but it's eyes flashed white. Then I lost consciousness." Brightsun was about to comment, but Fallenshadow stepped in."Is Lunastar awake?" Without waiting for an answer, he looked at her."There is a she-cat here that needs to speak with you."

Lunastar got up and followed him out. There stood an absolutely stunning young she-cat. She was mostly white with patches of black, orange, and speckled brown."I am Tawnyflash." The she-cat addressed calmly."I understand you fell from that rock, is that correct?" Lunastar nodded suspiciously. Tawnyflash looked around."Is there a more private place where I can speak to you?" Lunastar nodded again and led her to her den. Once she was situated, Tawnyflash continued.

"Well, I used to be part of a plan many moons from here. Me and a friend of mine were captured by two-legs, and taken to a strange world. A world where the sky is never blue, the monsters never sleep, and the prey is contaminated." Lunastar couldn't imagine such a horrible place."Go on." She said, shifting nervously."My friend and I managed to escape them, but finding food was terrible. My friend had begun to go mad. I remember her telling me goodbye, and running right in front of a monster. The next night, I had begun a travel for home with a few other cats. But that night, one of them became seriously hurt. They said they had seen a starry brown tabby with white eyes, and that when the eyes flashed, they lost consciousness."

Lunastar bit her lip."What does this have to do with me?" She asked, even though she was certain she already new. Tawnyflash sighed."Anyways, I believe my friend is now haunting your clan. If you see her flash her eyes again, you may die. Your clanmates as well." Lunastar's pelt started to prickle. My clan is being haunting by a crazy dead she-cat. Great. She stood up."Thank you Tawnyflash. Would you mind sticking around?" Tawnyflash smiled and nodded.

"Driftingclan!" Lunastar called them all back."First, let us all welcome Tawnyflash! She will be a warrior with us!" The clan cheered happily, and a few toms smiled."Tawnyflash needs to share something." Tawnyflash stepped forward and explained the whole story."So no matter what, if you see her, look away immediately." She glanced around."Also, get to some water quickly and get it on your face." She added. A few cats looked worried."Don't worry." Lunastar stepped up again."I'm sure it will pass. We just need to stay alive."

"Meeting dismissed!" She called, biting her lip nervously. Will my clan fall apart?



Primrose said...

Fallenshadow couldn't believe what he was hearing. He glanced over at Silverfur nervously. A ghost? How could this happen?

Robinwhisker's eyes were locked on Tawnyflash, but not because of her beauty.

Darkpaw scoffed, "Ghost! HA! I really doubt that." She lashed her tail in humor.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath looked down at his apprentice."Sure, and Lunastar was just pranking us with a cat she's never met before and willing gave herself a serious head injury." He glared."Be more respectful."

Tawnyflash leaped down. She simply sat and stared at the sky, trying to plead with her friend, Thrushbreeze.

Lunastar quickly went to her den, feeling dizzy once more.

Primrose said...

Robinwhisker bound after Lunastar and entered her den without asking. "Lunastar, I think its mouse-brained that you accept this whole situation with welcome paws."

Darkpaw glared at Blazingpath. "Respectful about some stupid ghost story! Keh!"

Dovewing said...

Silverfur made her way over to Fallenshadow and pressed her pelt against his. "Oh brilliant. Just when I was getting over my nervousness." she muttered.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath sat back down."Then does cleaning the Dirtplace sound more respectful to you?" He asked her sternly.

Lunastar whipped around, her eyes flaring. But before saying anything, she cooled down, curling into her nest."I can't believe I am either." She mumbled sadly."I'm scared, this hasn't happened to me before. This cat could kill us."

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow felt his fur tingle when she pressed against him. He bit back a purr. "Its okay, Lunastar said this would pass and it will." He said gently to her. "How about we hunt together?"

Robinwhisker spat, "Yeah and did you ever ask yourself why she is attacking us?" He walked over and sat infront of her. "Tawnyflash came when this 'ghost' did. Doesn't that give you the slightest feeling she can't be trusted?"

Darkpaw flattened her ears. "I'm so sorry Blazingpath, I'll be more respectful." She forced out the words darkly.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur nodded. "Sure. That should settle me. For a while at least." 'How can I tell him how I really feel?' she wondered. He's deputy! He has more important things to do.'

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow flicked her shoulder with his tail. "Follow me." They padded out of camp.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur padded out of camp after him. "So, where are we going hunting?" she asked curiously.

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow shrugged, "Oh," He took a deep breath. "No where really." They were padding through the forest, and he didn't seem interested in prey.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur slowed to a walk. "What're thinking about? What Lunastar said? I'm sure we'll be fine." she reassured him, though she was uneasy herself. 'I'm not sure I believe what she said, although I'm still concerned.' she thought.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Lunastar looked at Robinfeather, a scared, hurt expression in her eyes."What choice do we have?" She said. She didn't quite trust the she-cat either, but she figured it would be fine."You shouldn't worry about it." She said sternly."Why don't you go hunt and ease your conscience?" She sat down and flicked her tail, to dismiss him.

Primrose said...

Robinfeather narrowed his eyes. He didn't want to leave, he liked talking to Lunastar. "I don't think hunting will ease my mind." He turned and started walking out. "Nothing will until that she-cat is gone."

Fallenshadow sighed sitting down. He noticed a flower near by, frosted over. He leaned forward picking it then layed it down at Silverfur's paws. "I'm not worried." He purred.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Cloudmist shook her head. Lunastar.. She might have made the wrong decision telling us that. It will just get us more... Anxious, or maybe even as mad as that she-cat Tawnyflash mentioned. We may just end up destroying the clan from within. Trying to clear her head, and she beckoned Mistybreeze and her brother, Stormynight over. "Lets go hunting, to clear this up a bit." They both nodded in a agreement, and set out.

(Cloudmists & Falconpaws info is on join page)