
A ghost is haunting the clan! Hopefully Tawnyflash can change the ghost's mind. But can she be trusted?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Moonpaw, Moorpaw, and a Shock

Lunastar removed the cobwebs from her head, swiping a paw on her ears. Once her pelt was shining again, she went outside. Fallenshadow bounded into camp, sending snow skidding down the slope."We have found two more cats." He glanced behind him, where to young cats stood bickering with one another. When Lunastar approached them, they stopped and dipped their heads."I'm Moonpaw." They black she-cat said gracefully. The tom scoffed quietly."I'm Moorpaw." He said, trying to keep down his fuzzy gray fur.

"Welcome. I'm Lunastar." Lunastar purred with amusement."Why don't we introduce you?" She bounded to the DriftingStone."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the DriftingStone for a clan meeting!" She yowled as the bustling camp gathered together."By naming apprentices we show that Driftingclan is still growing and strong." She looked down at the two new cats."Moonpaw, step forward." She said. The she-cat quickly did as she was told."Do you promise to train hard and learn the ways of a warrior?"

Moonpaw nodded, a smile stuck to her face."Then you shall be welcomed into this clan as an apprentice. Your mentor will be Swanfeather." She looked at the beige cat."I hope you will teach her everything you know." Swanfeather nodded, touching noses with her new apprentice."Moorpaw, come forward." The tom did as his sister did with a little more spring in his step."Do you promise to train hard and learn the ways of a warrior?" "Yes!" Moorpaw mewed, shuffling his paws.

"Then you will be welcomed into this clan as a warrior. Your mentor will be..." She trailed off for a moment."Darkblaze." The dark warrior stepped forward with a slight scowl and touched noses with Moorpaw. Lunastar waited until the cheers died down."I'm happy to say that there have been no recent sightings of the ghost, and hopefully it has left us already."

A cat in the crowd yowled."But where is Tawnyflash? Isn't she supposed to protect us?" Lunastar was about to yowl back, thinking it may be Robinfeather, but also realized Tawnyflash was missing."Fallenshadow, Swanfeather, Silverfur. Find her." The three cats nodded and quickly sped out of camp.


"Lunastar!" Fallenshadow burst into her den."It's Tawnyflash. She's dead." Lunastar quickly stood and ran after her deputy. They approached Tawnyflash's mangled up body next to a might oak. Her eyes were pure white, like that of the ghost's. Lunastar flattened her ears. Silverfur approached her nervously."Who do you think did it?" Lunastar got an idea."Fetch Brightsun." She told Swanfeather, who bolted to camp.

Brightsun sniffed the body, observing Tawnyflash's head."There's no mistake. Tawnyflash must have been hunting a bird near the top of this tree, and then fell. She has a major head injury." Lunastar's stomach clenched. Fallenshadow observed her."You don't really think the ghost did this, do you?" Lunastar looked at her deputy."You three, carry the body back."

"Driftingclan!" Lunastar yowled, going back onto the DriftingStone."Tawnyflash is dead." She yowled as the body was laid in the middle of the clearing."The cause of death is.." She trailed off."Undetermined." The four other cats who where there looked confused, but said nothing."We will bury her body at dawn, meeting dismissed." She leaped down and went straight to her den.


Anonymous said...

Moonpaw flattened her ears and glanced at Moorpaw. There was something wrong with Tawnyflash's eyes...

Moorpaw stared expressionlessly at Tawnyflash's body. Cats here sure are clumsy, he thought insensitively.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Lunastar nipped the grass tie that kept lichen from covering the entrance to her den. It fell over to give her privacy. She paced her den, her mind racing."The clan may freak out if I tell them that perhaps the ghost killed her. She collapsed in her nest, covering her face with her eyes.

Blazingpath looked worriedly at Lunastar's den, then back to Tawnyflash's body. He was a little suspicious of the ghost.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur pressed her head against Fallenshadow's flank. "Why? So soon, she was so young?" she softly cried.

Anonymous said...

Firepaw padded up to Moonpaw and Moorpaw and stared at Tawnyflash's body."What happened to her?" he asked them.

Stormtail looked at Tawnyflash. "Wow, cats here are really clumsy,I would of never made a mistake like that." He said to himself.

Primrose said...

Swanfeather sat next to Moonpaw. "Why don't we go train? It might clear our minds of this death." She mewed sadly dipping her head briefly.

Fallenshadow turned his head and licked her softly between the ears. "Its okay. She's probably with friends and kin." He rested his head against hers. This is getting dangerous. "Maybe I should talk to Lunastar?"

Robinfeather couldn't help but purr that Tawnyflash was gone. He didn't trust her anyway, but the problem was obviously the ghost didn't want her alive. That meant she had some kind of knowledge, something more about this threat. He trotted over to the cats taking away Tawnyflash's body. "I want to help."

Darkpaw looked up at Blazingpath. "It could have been anything! This doesn't tell us this ghost is real." She spat, giving him a shove.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur sighed. "What good will that do? I'm not sure anything will get rid of our ghost. Why is it here, anyway? The Clan is just starting out, and it's just a random ghost." she said. "Id like to be able to feel whatever threatens the clan."

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Blazingpath glared at his apprentice."You shouldn't be so rude in front of a dead body." He growled slightly. Darkpaw really needed to learn her manners.

Lunastar emerged from her den, looking around. She padded to Fallenshadow."I need to do something. Keep an eye on the camp for me." She said quietly, padding out behind the cats about to bury Tawnyflash. She raced off to the river, hoping to find some clarity to the situation. She lapped up some icy water, then looked back up to see Tawnyflash. Her eyes were white. Lunastar quickly turned away, but she spoke."Don't worry Lunastar, I'm not a killer." She looked back to her.

"Listen." Tawnyflash's starry image leaped over the river to face Lunastar."Kenji, the ghost, is very angry. She's killing cats because she wasn't let into Starclan or the Dark Forest. I came to help you, since she sensed many clans here, but she didn't like that." Lunastar felt terrible. Tawnyflash had just died for trying to help.

"Now she's furious about my arrival. Try to keep a good source of water in camp at all times, or your clan may die out." Tawnyflash dipped her head, then shimmered away. Lunastar sighed, sitting down in the snow.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

"Tawnyflash.. Wouldn't she have been more careful? With so much knowledge, she wouldn't let herself slip or else.. Or else.." Cardinalpaw started, but she didn't want to finish what she had just said.

"It was the ghost?" Cloudmist padded up to the ginger she-cat.

The white she-cat shuddered. Wow. Even Cloudmist is scared! Cardinalpaw thought. She has always been.. In-tuned with things. With her scared, it just.. Brings something dark about it. "But Tawnyflash? Why? I thought that cat was her friend."

Cloudmist just shrugged. "Sometimes, there are things where we just can't find the answers to."

Primrose said...

Darkpaw glared back at him. "Why? I didn't know her and frankly didn't trust her."

Fallenshadow nodded to Lunastar and looked back to Silverfur in confusion. "I wonder what she's up to?" He sighed sitting down and fluffing up his fur against the cold.

Robinwhisker helped carry Tawnyflash into the forest, his eyes looking into her white, sightless ones. Why are they like that? What can this ghost possibly gain from killing living cats? And how does it kill..

Dovewing said...

Silverfur pressed herself against Fallenshadow. "It's so cold out. I wonder how much prey we'll find." she said absentmindedly.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

(I'm gonna make a new post soon)

Lunastar bit her lip, standing up and returning to camp. She decided that once the burial cats returned, she would call another meeting.

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow let her warmth seep through his fur. "Well why don't we find out? Hunt with me?" He wanted to get his mind off of Tawnyflash and he liked spending time with Silverfur.

Robinwhisker watched the cats bury her body, then headed back. When he entered camp he walked straight to Lunastar. "We should try and talk to this ghost. Figure out what it wants and if we can help." His dark eyes searched hers.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur purred. "Sure. Let's go now, while it's sunhigh. They prey might be out in what sun there is." she suggested.

Primrose said...

He nodded and began padding out of camp.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur caught up with him. "I wish we had some kits in the Clan. The elders seem like they're getting tired of the apprentices. Telling the same stories to the same cats."

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow nodded, "Yeah and we need more Warriors." He glanced over to her, feeling his stomach fluttering.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur caught his gaze and looked away shyly. "Anyway, thanks for helping me get used to all the cats." she said. "I'm not nervous anymore." 'Except around you', she thought.

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow purred, "I'm glad your getting along with everyone. Your a great hunter!" He felt stupid but was running out of things to say.

Dovewing said...

Silverfur dipped her head. "Thanks." She let him take the lead, waling in silence for a few moments. "I can't taake it anymore. I like you!" she blurted out. "I said it. There."

Primrose said...

Fallenshadow stopped and looked back at her. He didn't know what to say, but he felt a purr rising in his throat. "Well if you hadn't said it I would have." He walked back to her and touched her nose. "I...I like you too."

Dovewing said...

Silverfur started purring. "I wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret much longer. I was always terrible at those things."