
A ghost is haunting the clan! Hopefully Tawnyflash can change the ghost's mind. But can she be trusted?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Okay people, listen up! I don't know how much of you will read this, since Driftingclan has gone a little dead. But I have been rather inactive. I figured you all had the right to know why. :) So, this year I have begun to come out of my shell. I am now in the school concert choir, as well as show choir. Now, in choir your voice must be top-notch. You must practice frequently, and learn to sight-read very well. In show choir, you have to come to practice after school on Mondays and Wednesdays. I am also taking a Chinese class, and plan on becoming very fluent. I've been trying so hard to remember everything I've learned.

I'm also trying to keep on top of my homework, while trying to get in a good amount of exercise. See, I've been on a sugar diet for about two weeks. I'm slowly easing into a full diet, while getting in plenty of exercise. This is because I really want to be able to play lacrosse. Yes, lacrosse. These girls from the high school in my area came to my middle school to tell us about lacrosse, handle a stick, etc. I had so much fun! And I was thinking how great it would be to be able to have fun without sitting on my big butt. But I definitely need to get in better shape. Anyways, back to my homework.

Since I love to overachieve, I need to keep my grades up constantly. If I want a gold medal in citizenship, I have to have good grades, good citizenship, participate in service projects, and make sure I put in my service hours for NJHS, which I was invited into due to my good grades in the past two years. Anyways, I also have to do service outside of school to get full credit, so I've been doing things like handing out hats, gloves, and socks to homeless people. But, I'm sure I can still squeeze in a little time to post here for you guys! I'll try as hard as I can to get on and post for you!

♥/ Chilepanda