
A ghost is haunting the clan! Hopefully Tawnyflash can change the ghost's mind. But can she be trusted?

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Firepaw, Ashtail, and the Speech

Lunastar padded onto the DriftingStone. Two new cats stood proudly below her. She bit her lip, quickly scanning the camp before yowling:"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the DriftingStone for a clan meeting!"  Everyong immediately stopped what they were doing and came flocking to the clearing.

"As you all may have noticed, we have two new cats." Lunastar looked down at the two toms."Stormtail, you will join us as an elder." He nodded approvingly."We shall treat him with great respect!" She yowled. Once he had moved back into the crowd, she looked at the ginger tom."By naming apprentices, we will show that Driftingclan is still growing strong." She could tell the tom was jittery,"Firepaw, do you promise to work hard and learn the ways of a warrior?"

Firepaw nodded viciously."Of course! Of course!" He mewed with a smile, lightening Lunastar's spirits by a bit. "Then by the power of Starclan, I name you an apprentice of Driftingclan." She purred."Your mentor will be Stormynight." Everyong began to cheer. When they finished Lunastar continued."Mee-" She was suddenly cut of  by an immensely strong, chilly breeze that blew her back a mouse-length or two. Lunastar dug her claws into the dirt the clung to the Drifting Stone. She looked up, and there stood the starry image of  Kenji, the angry ghost.

"Driftingclan," The ghost said in a chilling voice, turning to face the clan. However, this time she had no eyes. Just black, empty sockets instead of white eyes."It seems you have fared well since my arrival," She began. "But I am not satisfied." Lunastar could feel tension building up around her and in her. The ghost continued."I want an offering, something to please me." She looked around the clan."I either want a tom, to keep me company in this lonely, in between world. Or," She stopped, whipping around to face the leader."The life of your precious little leader."

Lunastar's eyes widened. Kenji turned back to the clan once more. "I want your decision in 3 sundowns. Choose wisely." The ghost murmured, fading away."Wait!" Lunastar stood to her full height."What would my clan gain from this!?" She growled menacingly. Kenji laughed."Don't worry," She glanced at the clan."When a life is given to me, I swear on Starclan I shall leave forever. Never to return." With that, she faded away, laughing.

"A life?" Lunastar said thoughtfully, not bothering to dismiss the clan as she jumped down. She walked past Fallenshadow, asked him to make patrols, then headed to her den. She found herself pacing the den again, which is what she tended to do in sticky situations.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Moonpaw, Moorpaw, and a Shock

Lunastar removed the cobwebs from her head, swiping a paw on her ears. Once her pelt was shining again, she went outside. Fallenshadow bounded into camp, sending snow skidding down the slope."We have found two more cats." He glanced behind him, where to young cats stood bickering with one another. When Lunastar approached them, they stopped and dipped their heads."I'm Moonpaw." They black she-cat said gracefully. The tom scoffed quietly."I'm Moorpaw." He said, trying to keep down his fuzzy gray fur.

"Welcome. I'm Lunastar." Lunastar purred with amusement."Why don't we introduce you?" She bounded to the DriftingStone."All those old enough to catch their own prey gather under the DriftingStone for a clan meeting!" She yowled as the bustling camp gathered together."By naming apprentices we show that Driftingclan is still growing and strong." She looked down at the two new cats."Moonpaw, step forward." She said. The she-cat quickly did as she was told."Do you promise to train hard and learn the ways of a warrior?"

Moonpaw nodded, a smile stuck to her face."Then you shall be welcomed into this clan as an apprentice. Your mentor will be Swanfeather." She looked at the beige cat."I hope you will teach her everything you know." Swanfeather nodded, touching noses with her new apprentice."Moorpaw, come forward." The tom did as his sister did with a little more spring in his step."Do you promise to train hard and learn the ways of a warrior?" "Yes!" Moorpaw mewed, shuffling his paws.

"Then you will be welcomed into this clan as a warrior. Your mentor will be..." She trailed off for a moment."Darkblaze." The dark warrior stepped forward with a slight scowl and touched noses with Moorpaw. Lunastar waited until the cheers died down."I'm happy to say that there have been no recent sightings of the ghost, and hopefully it has left us already."

A cat in the crowd yowled."But where is Tawnyflash? Isn't she supposed to protect us?" Lunastar was about to yowl back, thinking it may be Robinfeather, but also realized Tawnyflash was missing."Fallenshadow, Swanfeather, Silverfur. Find her." The three cats nodded and quickly sped out of camp.


"Lunastar!" Fallenshadow burst into her den."It's Tawnyflash. She's dead." Lunastar quickly stood and ran after her deputy. They approached Tawnyflash's mangled up body next to a might oak. Her eyes were pure white, like that of the ghost's. Lunastar flattened her ears. Silverfur approached her nervously."Who do you think did it?" Lunastar got an idea."Fetch Brightsun." She told Swanfeather, who bolted to camp.

Brightsun sniffed the body, observing Tawnyflash's head."There's no mistake. Tawnyflash must have been hunting a bird near the top of this tree, and then fell. She has a major head injury." Lunastar's stomach clenched. Fallenshadow observed her."You don't really think the ghost did this, do you?" Lunastar looked at her deputy."You three, carry the body back."

"Driftingclan!" Lunastar yowled, going back onto the DriftingStone."Tawnyflash is dead." She yowled as the body was laid in the middle of the clearing."The cause of death is.." She trailed off."Undetermined." The four other cats who where there looked confused, but said nothing."We will bury her body at dawn, meeting dismissed." She leaped down and went straight to her den.

Meet the Clan

Leader ~ Lunastar

Lunastar is an absolutely stunning young she-cat. She has silver fur dappled with black, and round emerald eyes. She is remarkably witty, despite her rather young age. She also almost mastered every single battle move and is creating more. She is very kind and loving, which are marvelous characteristics in a leader. However, she can sometimes be rather mysterious and not let out everything. But she is bound by life to her clan, and would do absolutely anything to protect it. She gets nervous when it comes to her love life, because it's never gone well for her. Her best friend is Blazingpath, her life-long comrade.

Deputy ~ Fallenshadow

Fallenshadow is a lithe silver tabby tom with a white under belly, muzzle, and paws. He is a very good strategist when it comes to hunting and fighting. He has a very good temper and manages with younger cats very well.

Medicine Cat ~ Brightsun

Lovely white she-cat with ginger patches, has indigo eyes, skilled with herbs but jealous of older brother whom she thinks is more skilled at everything than she is, often secluded from others and quiet.

Medicine Cat Apprentice ~ Cardinalpaw

Light ginger tabby she-cat with bright blue eyes. She is quite handy with herbs, and is an attentive listener. But only when she wants to. She can be very impatient at times, and sometimes disobeys orders and goes along with her ideas. Yet despite that she always makes sure to respect her clanmates.



Blazingpath is a strikingly handsome tom with fiery orange fur and feisty green eyes. He is very light-hearted and happy almost all the time. He can become friends with almost anyone. He is extremely kind and generous, and a big ladies cat. He also enjoys to tease lightly. He is an incredible warrior, both hunting and fighting. He is always eager to help, and seems to know what's best. He has never been in a relationship, but is sure it's a nice experience. His best friend is Lunastar, his life-long comrade. Apprentice: Darkpaw


Swanfeather is a beige she-cat with black paws, ears and face. She has brilliant blue eyes. Although she looks delicate, her small build makes her a very skilled hunter. In fighting she fares well in defense moves. Was born a kitty-pet but abandoned very young when her two-legs moved away. She barely remembers this and believes she is as good a warrior as a clan born cat. Apprentice: Moonpaw


Darkblaze is always angry and doesn't often have nice things to say. He is a relatively good hunter but a not-so-good fighter. Darkblaze has shining blue/green eyes and dark fur with a ginger patch in the shape of fire on his nose. Younger sister is Brightsun, parents killed in a forest fire 3 moons ago. Apprentice: Moorpaw

A big, muscular tortoiseshell and white tom. He has a a brilliant green gaze and has a distinctive black nose. He is skilled at fighting and tracking, and usually gets into skirmishes with his sister, Mistybreeze. Apprentice: Firepaw


A dark calico she-cat with bright green eyes. She is an impatient, hyper young she-cat. She is a bit too quick, even for herself and usually needs help to get out of things. She usually gets into fights with her brother, Stormynight.


Silverfur is a beautiful young she- cat with silver fur. She is unusually small but makes up for that in skill. She is an amazing hunter and an ok fighter. She is very nice, but quiet most of the time, and gets along with anyone. She feels better in a secure area. When she was a kit, Silverfur was almost hit by a monster, and then she was held captive by Twolegs for most of her kithood. She was born into a Clan, but they disappeared and she never found out what happened to her family. Seeking a mate.


Robinfeather is a sleek, dark brown tom with piercing green eyes. He used to be a member of Rainclan, but was exiled before Lilystar became leader. He's been wandering ever since till he decided to enter Driftingclan territory.


Leaffrost is an orange she-cat with a white muzzle, a white chest, white paws and a white tail. She has startling blue eyes and doesn't talk much but actually is kind inside. She's Eaglecall's sister. Her favorite thing to do is fight and she can get a little carried away with that....


Eaglesky is a golden tom with a white chest and muzzle and deep amber eyes. He's Leaffrost's brother. Eaglesky is quiet like his sister but he doesn't like to harm other cats and his favorite thing to do is hunting. 


Darkpaw (Darkfeather)

Darkpaw is a feathery black she-cat with luminous blue-green eyes. She is very independent, speaking out when she feels and following orders only when it suits her. If she had it her way she would be leading the clan herself. And yet she isn't as dark hearted as she would like others to think. Thoughtful and selfless she would lay her life down for any cat in desperate need. Mentor: Blazingpath

Moonpaw (Moonblossom)

Sleek raven black she-cat with long claws and green-gold eyes. She's friendly, quiet, upbeat, and a very good swimmer. She loves water and is very playful. She's companionable and fiercely loyal, with courage and spunk. She's not afraid to speak up and can be a bit impudent, but lovable nonetheless. Loves to swim and fish. Mentor: Swanfeather

Moorpaw (Moorclaw)

Lavender-gray tom with pale amber eyes. He's prickly, defensive, and sharp-tongued, though under the hard exterior he's caring and wry. He has a sense of humor and is rather bold, though very cautious. He's an introvert and talks rarely, though he's an excellent fighter and very competitive. Mentor: Darkblaze

Firepaw (Firesoul)

Firepaw is an orange tabby tome with amber eyes. He brave, fearless, loyal, and very stubborn. He will always do things his way, unless it doesn't work. He was in a rouge group until his parents abandoned him. Mentor: Stormynight

Queens and kits



Stormtail is an old grey tabby tom with dark green eyes. Most of the time he's impatient, angry, and sly, but when you get to know him, he can be funny and kind. Stormtail used to be one of the best rouge warriors in his gang until he got to old. Then the leader kicked him out 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Robinfeather and a Chilling Tale

"Cats of Driftingclan!" Lunastar called with dignity."Our border patrol met a new cat on our way into Rainclan territory. We are giving him a chance to prove himself. Please welcome Robinfeather!" All the cats began to cheer. It soon went down, and attention returned to Lunastar. She opened her mouth to dismiss the meeting, when a starry cat appeared at the entrance. Her emerald eyes widened. The cat smiled at her, then it's eyes turned a bright white. Lunastar's vision swirled away, and she went plummeting to the ground.

Brightsun shook Lunastar gently. She blinked her eyes open slowly."Thank the stars your alive!" She smiled. Lunastar twitched her ear, only to find it stuck in cobwebs."You had quite a fall at the DriftingStone. What happened?" Lunastar bent over and lapped some water off of moss."This cat appeared at the entrance. It had stars in its fur, but it's eyes flashed white. Then I lost consciousness." Brightsun was about to comment, but Fallenshadow stepped in."Is Lunastar awake?" Without waiting for an answer, he looked at her."There is a she-cat here that needs to speak with you."

Lunastar got up and followed him out. There stood an absolutely stunning young she-cat. She was mostly white with patches of black, orange, and speckled brown."I am Tawnyflash." The she-cat addressed calmly."I understand you fell from that rock, is that correct?" Lunastar nodded suspiciously. Tawnyflash looked around."Is there a more private place where I can speak to you?" Lunastar nodded again and led her to her den. Once she was situated, Tawnyflash continued.

"Well, I used to be part of a plan many moons from here. Me and a friend of mine were captured by two-legs, and taken to a strange world. A world where the sky is never blue, the monsters never sleep, and the prey is contaminated." Lunastar couldn't imagine such a horrible place."Go on." She said, shifting nervously."My friend and I managed to escape them, but finding food was terrible. My friend had begun to go mad. I remember her telling me goodbye, and running right in front of a monster. The next night, I had begun a travel for home with a few other cats. But that night, one of them became seriously hurt. They said they had seen a starry brown tabby with white eyes, and that when the eyes flashed, they lost consciousness."

Lunastar bit her lip."What does this have to do with me?" She asked, even though she was certain she already new. Tawnyflash sighed."Anyways, I believe my friend is now haunting your clan. If you see her flash her eyes again, you may die. Your clanmates as well." Lunastar's pelt started to prickle. My clan is being haunting by a crazy dead she-cat. Great. She stood up."Thank you Tawnyflash. Would you mind sticking around?" Tawnyflash smiled and nodded.

"Driftingclan!" Lunastar called them all back."First, let us all welcome Tawnyflash! She will be a warrior with us!" The clan cheered happily, and a few toms smiled."Tawnyflash needs to share something." Tawnyflash stepped forward and explained the whole story."So no matter what, if you see her, look away immediately." She glanced around."Also, get to some water quickly and get it on your face." She added. A few cats looked worried."Don't worry." Lunastar stepped up again."I'm sure it will pass. We just need to stay alive."

"Meeting dismissed!" She called, biting her lip nervously. Will my clan fall apart?


Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Story Begins

Lunastar sat perfectly still on the DriftingStone. The gentle, chilly leaf-bare breezed stirred her silver fur slightly."Something is in the air, Blazingpath." She said calmly to her old friend. He leaped up beside her, sniffing."Do you mean cats?" He asked with a humoring laugh. Lunastar was about to smile and tell him what she really meant, but the scent of cats hit her nose as well. She quickly stood, her tail raised, as 9 cats entered camp.

That many cats at once? Lunastar wondered to herself as she approached them."Hello." She dipped her head respectfully. A dark tortoiseshell hissed in annoyance, but she ignored him."I'm Lunastar, leader of Driftingclan." She purred kindly. A beige cat with brown paws and ears stepped forward."We've come to join." She dipped her head in return to Lunastar. She purred happily."Wonderful!"

She whipped around, landing on the DrifitngStone in one graceful leap. She sat down. After learning all their names, she began the ceremony."You cats shall become the first cats of Driftingclan. Fallenshadow, I would like you to be deputy of Driftingclan. Brightsun, I think you would make an excellent medicine cat. Cardinalpaw, you shall be the medicine cat apprentice, and learn from Brightsun's methods.

"Swanfeather, Darkblaze, Stormynight, Mistybreeze, and Silverfur, you will be warriors alongside Blazingpath." All the older cats nodded."What about me?" A young black she-cat asked, stepping forward. Lunastar glanced kindly at her."Don't worry. Darkpaw, you will train as an apprentice. Blazingpath shall train you."

Darkpaw smiled with satisfaction. Lunastar yowled gently to gather the attention of the cats."I shall lead a patrol to establish our borders. Meeting dismissed!" She leaped down, waiting to see who would like to accompany her.

Monday, December 12, 2011

♥Mates Page♥

Available She-cats:
Darkpaw (Too young for relationship)
Moonpaw (Too young for relationship)

Available Toms:
Moorpaw (Too young for relationship)
Firepaw (Too young for relationship)

Robinfeather ♥'s Lunastar
Silverfur+Fallenshadow like each other

Current Relationships:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Who's Who?


Darkpaw (Darkfeather)




Moonpaw (Moonblossom)
Moorpaw (Moorclaw)

Firepaw (Firesoul)

Join Driftingclan

Welcome to Driftingclan! My name is Lunastar, the Leader. What brings you this way?
You tell Lunastar that you're looking to join. She smiles kindly.
Well then, what are we waiting for! However, I need to know some thing about you first:

1. This is an advanced roleplay. Every post must be at least 2 sentences long.
2. You must join as at least 2 cats.
3. Do not play as other peoples cats unless they ask you of if you adopt them.
4. Do not kill anyone or anything besides prey unless told to do so.
5. NO CYBER-BULLYING! You will be kicked out.
6. Please have correct grammar and spelling, I hate trying to decipher comments because people were to lazy to type them correctly, and I'm sure others do too.
7. No motherless kits, unless they are about to become apprentices.
8. No saying you are the 'prettiest' in the clan, or the 'fastest', or stuff like that. It isn't fair.
9. Please do not ask me to be in a prophecy. I will hold a contest.
10. No spamming the cbox.
11. Have fun!
12. Add any extra idea's you have after your form to prove that you read the rules.

Name (If apprentice, add warrior name as well):
Paragraph (Put everything you want in your cat's description here.):
Is it very important to you that your cat is important in the plot?:

Name: Lunastar
Rank: Leader
Paragraph: Lunastar is an absolutely stunning young she-cat. She has silver fur dappled with black, and round emerald eyes. She is remarkably witty, despite her rather young age. She also almost mastered every single battle move and is creating more. She is very kind and loving, which are marvelous characteristics in a leader. However, she can sometimes be rather mysterious and not let out everything. But she is bound by life to her clan, and would do absolutely anything to protect it. She gets nervous when it comes to her love life, because it's never gone well for her. Her best friend is Blazingpath, her life-long comrade.
Is it very important to you that your cat is important in the plot?: Yes.
Picture (Link):

I will not add you unless I know you have read the rules. You will be immediately confronted if you break any of them.